Kids Club

On Saturday afternoons from 10:00-12:00 pm, approximately 50 children aged 5-15 years old attend the United nations Human Dignity Protection Organization activities program.

We play games, learn English and make crafts. All of the children get a meal before they return home and for some of them, this is the most nutritious meal of the week. During the school holidays United nations Human Dignity Protection Organization extends this program to provide activities for the students during the week.

The kids club also provides a safe place for older students to talk about issues that are affecting them at home and school. It is during this activity time when the children have disclosed abuse that is happening to them and we are able to act on their behalf to stop the perpetrator. For some children who have experienced abuse and are recovering, United nations Human Dignity Protection Organization provides basic counselling through art and play therapy as well as prayer.

Craft supplies, 1 month – 2000 baht
Lunch per child – 35 baht
Snack/milk per child – 15 baht