Get Involved

United nations Human Dignity Protection Organization relies heavily on the support of volunteers who can give of their time, prayer support, money or unwanted items. Every little bit makes a huge difference to the lives of those we serve! Please explore the options below about how you might like to become involved in our projects. There are possibilities for those who live locally and also overseas.


Come and volunteer! If you live locally and could spare a few hours every week, we always need help with the pre-school and in the prisons. If you would like to come and volunteer with us for a few months, or even a few years, then please contact us!


Do you live locally? We always need second-hand toys, clothes, and any household items especially towels and bedding. What we can’t use at the centre we will give away to needy families. You can also sponsor financially.


Become a personal sponsor! You can sponsor a child that needs to go to school or sponsor one of the children that attend our pre-school.

Learn more about sponsoring a child